Lavender everlasting roses - white box


An extraordinary collection of everlasting roses in our exclusive velour boxes. Our everlasting roses are not just flowers, they are a lasting manifestation of beauty. Thanks to the innovative technology of stabilising live flowers, the roses retain their freshness and unique charm for years to come.

Why everlasting roses?

  • Lasting flower freshness, for 2 years.
  • Elegant Flower Boxes: Each rose is carefully placed in a designer box, creating a composition full of style and elegance.
  • The Perfect Gift: Eternal roses make an unusual gift for all occasions.
  • Personalisation: The Flower Box is made directly after the customer orders it. We offer a choice of delivery/collection date, a leaf with the chosen content.

How do we send?

Flower Box we prepare directly after the customer's order. We pack the carefully made composition in a safe way so that the flowers are not damaged during dispatch. The roses are then picked up by a courier who sends the order to the indicated address.

Shipping details

We usually dispatch flowers within 48hrs of placing an order across the EU. If you would like the flowers delivered on a specific day please send a message to our email address: to confirm the availability of a delivery date.
Number of roses

20-25 pieces

Dimensions of the box

15cm x 17cm

Colour of Box

White suede

The colour pink


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